Thursday, October 31, 2019

Young Turks Takeover of the Ottoman Empire 1913 Term Paper

Young Turks Takeover of the Ottoman Empire 1913 - Term Paper Example It is a well-known fact that empires were one of the core elements for the modernization of nations and states. In relation, one of the empires that are considered as essential parts of today’s government is the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire is considered as one of the greatest, long-term, and vast empire in history. The empire depicted stability and strength as it continued to widen its occupation. Moreover, the emergence of the Committee for Union and Progress, or most commonly known by many historians as Young Turks, played a significant role in the last years of the empire. In line with this, this paper will dwell on the takeover of the Young Turks of the Ottoman Empire in 1913. The Ottoman Empire was established during the late thirteenth century and lasted even after the First World War. The territories of the empire were vast, which included most of the eastern Roman Empire, a few parts of the north Balkans, and north coast of the Black Sea. Moreover, the Ottoman T urks were composed of different groups of people who shared the Turkic language. These people were scattered throughout the west area of Central Asia from the ninth to the eleventh century.1 The other states associated with the Ottoman Empire, which include Europe, are tied beyond commercial activities and military crusade. The empire used religion and complimented the laws, tax, and political structure to Islamic ideologies and law. It is safe to say that the empire mostly banked on the central-Asians tradition, along with incorporating Persian and Arab legacies. These different legacies allowed the Ottoman Empire to stand strong for half of a millennium. The convergence of laws and religion in the empire was seen as a resurrection of the Byzantine Empire, though it was perceived as deformed.2 In retrospect, the Ottoman state was considered as one of the small states in Turkey. These states came into being during the fall of the Seljuk Turks. The small Ottoman state then started to create a link with other states, which brought all other dynasties to merge into one during the reign of Muhammad II. Furthermore, most of the parts of the Ottoman Empire were successors of the Byzantine Empire, which became a crucial part for the success of the empire. The Ottomans advantageous hold with the Bosporus and the Dardanelles became their buffer between the Latins in the West and Muslims in the Middle East. Nonetheless, the Byzantine was already weakened by the Fourth Crusade and the Western invasion.3 During the expansion of the Ottoman Empire, the leaders were Osman I, followed by Orkhan, next was Murad I, and Beyazid I. During the expansion, Bursa fell into the hands of the Ottoman Empire along with the Adrianople, which both became a capital of the empire. Furthermore, the triumph over the Nikopol and the Kosovo Field by the empire stirred danger on the part of Europe.4 On the other hand, before the start of the World War I, the Ottoman Empire was already facing con flicts within its governance. One of the most prominent conflicts was the emergence of the Committee for Union and Progress, or group who is best known as the Young Turks. Furthermore, along with the emergence of the Young Turks is the development of nationalism in the countries and states of the empire.5 During the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid II in the Ottoman Empire, he was considered as hard ruler. For this reason, the dispute between the Turks and the Armenian ignited. In 1877, Russia fought the Ottoman Empire in order to take hold of the Balkan Peninsula to be able to access the Mediterranean Sea for trade and transport. However, in the course of transaction, the Treaty of San Stefano, which allowed the Russian to gain access to a few parts of the Balkan Pen

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Internship Report Onroyal Cement Limited Essay Example for Free

Internship Report Onroyal Cement Limited Essay I would like to thank my Faculty Advisor Roushan Ara Sultana for giving me the opportunity to work with her during my period of internship. I have been able to compile and complete this report in a comprehensive manner due to the guidance, support and counseling that he has provided me with during this period. I have tried my best to implement her constructive suggestions while doing my report. I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the help provided to me by some. My sincere gratitude goes to Mr. Forman Uddin Chowdhury; Director of personals of the company Operations and to Mr. Md Moonsur Ali; Assistant General Manager; Marketing, Sales Distribution for giving me time from their busy schedule, providing me with information that was required to complete the report, and for guiding me properly throughout the period of my internship. I would also like to thank all the employees of Royal Cement Limited who has supported me and co-operated with me during my internship period. Finally, my sincere thanks go to each and everyone who has helped and supported me significantly in different stages during the period of my internship. Page | 2 University of Science and Technology Chittagong Executive Summary Royal Cement Limited, one of the leading largest cement industries in Bangladesh emerged in 2001. The company is well known for producing quality cement at a low price. The head office and the commercial building of Royal Cement Limited are located in Kabir Manzil, Sheikh Mujib road, Agrabad, Chittagong-4100. The other office of Royal Cement Limited is located in Dhaka and their production house in Joramtal, Barakumira, Sitakunda in Chittagong. The team consists of two leading companies of Bangladesh, which are Kabir Steel Group BSA Group.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Three Big Ideas About Child Development Young People Essay

Three Big Ideas About Child Development Young People Essay Understanding child development means that we as carers and parents can understand skills and typical behaviours of children within our care, providing an environment which is nurturing and one that will foster growth. Laura Berk (2000) provides a simple definition of child development; a field of study devoted to understanding all aspects of human growth and change from conception through adolescence. (Berk: 2000, p4). This paper will look at three important theories of child development that you as a teacher or parent should know in order to understand the changes that take place from birth to adulthood. When we talk about child development we refer to three stages called development areas; Physical development involves the growth and change in a persons body and body functions. In this domain we look at the physiological and motor development as well as the influences of health, illness and nutrition. Cognitive development refers to the growth and change of a persons ability to process information, solve problems and gain knowledge. In this area we consider the study of brain development, memory, learning, thinking, language and creativity. Social-emotional development involves the growth and change of our interactions with others and our feelings. Included in this area is the study of relationships, emotions, personality and moral development. Whilst we discuss each area of development separately it is important to realise that they do overlap. One domain can influence the other. Interest in the field of child development began early in the 20th-century. (ref) Many theories have been put forward to explain why and how children develop. Theorist Jean Piaget played a major influence on the way we understand children. He explained childrens development in terms of their cognitive development in a theory known as Piagets theory of cognitive development. Piaget believed that children think differently from adults, arguing that its not that children know less than adults but their thinking skills are qualitatively different. (ref) Many of his ideas came from observing his own children. Piaget was convinced that intellect grows through processes he termed assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation refers to using existing mental patterns in new situations. (ref) In accommodation, existing ideas are modified to fit new requirements. Thus, new situations are assimilated to existing ideas, and new ideas are created to accommodate new experiences. In his theory children mature through a series of distinct stages in intellectual development. Sensorimotor (0-2years): Piaget believed that an infant is born with no way of making sense of the world. Infants use reflexes which act on the world in specific ways so that the child gradually adapts to the world. Motor movements are seen as the basis for the eventual development of intelligence. These slowly become separated from motor activity as the child learns to represent objects, actions and thoughts through play and language. According to Piaget, object permanence emerges during infancy. This relates to the understanding that objects continue to exist even though they are out of sight. Preoperational (2-7 years): Piaget describes toddlers thinking as illogical. This is due to two main characteristics of their thinking processes; egocentricism and centation. Piaget sees young childrens thinking as egocentric; meaning they can only see things from their point of view. They cannot take into account the ideas or needs of others. Due to their stage of cognitive development their thinking is not yet flexible enough to consider more than one aspect of a given situation. They are now in a stage of self-centred thinking. (ref). Centration is the term Piaget uses to describe young childrens tendency to focus their attention on a single aspect of a situation or object. This is where Piagets experiment for the conservation of volume. This stage of development also describes toddlers having improved memory skills, problem solving skills and begin to understand concepts; for example, words such as big and small, colours and the ability to recite numbers. (ref) As children progr ess into pre-school, children practise mental representations by using mental imagery and language symbols. (Ref) Concreter Operational (7-12years): The typical school aged child is entering this stage of development. Children begin to think logically however, they tend to need concrete objects to help them solve problems rather than being able to use abstract ideas. (ref). Piaget would describe the school age child as less egocentric. According to his theory a child is now able to view the world and themselves from other perspectives. (ref) Children at this stage have a longer attention span, a better concept of time and distance and their ability to remember improves. Formal Operational (12-15years): Children at this stage break away from concrete objects and thinking is based more on abstract principles, such as honour or democracy. (ref). Full adult intellectual ability is attained during this stage. For Piaget, the development of scientific reasoning is the pinnacle of development. (Vialle, Lysaght, and Verenikina: 2008, p55). At this stage older adolescents can comprehend math, physics and other abstract systems. (ref). Some critics have faulted Piagets theory on several grounds but mostly for its vagueness. Some would say that Piagets theory has limited our perception of childrens capabilities- particularly in the pre-school years. (ref). Others may say there has been too much focus on what children cant do rather than what they can. According to Siegler (2004) children continuously gain specific knowledge; they do not undergo stage like leaps in general mental ability. (more) However, Piagets work has encouraged us to see childrens cognitive skills as being different from those of adults. His theory is valuable for understanding how children think. If we understand how children think and learn we can provide a stimulating environment that will support their learning. Using Piagets theory of cognitive development, a teacher or parents role is to provide the stimulation and observe carefully to see when to step in and interact or change experiences (ref). (125 more) While Piaget stressed the role of maturation in cognitive development, Lev Vygotsky focused on the impact of socio-cultural factors. His Socio-cultural theory of cognitive development saw that social interaction and language has a major influence on the development of childrens thinking. Vygotsky places great importance on the tole of significant adults such as teachers, parents and also peers. -The zone of proximal development: Like Piaget, Vygotsky believed that children actively seek to discover new principles. However there is emphasis that many of a childs most important discoveries are guided by these significant adults. (ref). Vygotsky realises that some tasks can be beyond a childs reach. The child is close to having the mental skills needed to do the task, but it may be slightly too complex to be mastered alone. The zone of proximal development means children learn with the guidance and assistance of those within their environment. Parents, teachers or other sensitive caregivers will know that children will need assistance, guiding the child to support them in the learning process. Vygosky argued that childrens thinking is highly influenced by interactions and conversations with other peoples. If we want to understand how children think and learn, Vygotsky proposes that we need to observe them when they are relating with others. (ref). Vygotsky proposed that language plays a critical role in learning. He noted that preschoolers often talk to themselves as they complete activities and tasks. He called this Private speech. According to Vygotsky, private speech enables children to talk through problems (ref). Erik Erikson proposed a theory of development that focuses on the emotional and social aspects of development and how these impact on the overall development of the person from infancy to old age. (ref). He called it a Psychosocial theory of development focusing on the social experiences we have in life that shape our psychological make- up. Erikson was a student of Sigmund Freud and believed that the social interactions an individual experiences has a greater influence on development. (ref). Erikson identified eight stages of development over the entire human lifespan, each stage marked by a crisis. If each crisis is resolved in a positive way then the child would develop high self esteem and was more likely to respond to the next crisis in a positive way, developing a healthy personality. If the crisis was resolved in a negative way then it was likely the child would develop low self esteem and have difficulty resolving future crisis. (ref). His theory, particularly the first four stages hold vital considerations for you as a teacher or parent, ensuring that young children develop and maintain a positive sense of emotional wellbeing. -Stage one (0-1 years) Trust vs Mistrust: According to Erikson, a critical emotional struggle in infancy is between trust and mistrust. Emotionally healthy babies come to understand they have nurturing, responsive caregivers who meet their basic needs. They view the world as safe and enter into trusting relationships with caregivers and later, other individuals. However, a degree of mistrust is also important to keep infants safe from harm. But for the most part, the emotionally healthy baby is trusting of the world. (ref) A critical part of achieving trust from Eriksons view is the ability of infants to come to know and develop an emotional tie with caregivers; also known as attachment. Mary Ainsworth described attachment as the affectional tie that one person forms to another specific person, binding them together in space and enduring over time (Ainsworth: 1973). Stage two: (1-3 years) Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt: Once toddlers have developed a sense of trust with significant adults and understand their basic needs will be met, they are willing to venture away from the safety of parents and caregivers. We see this as striving for control over their environment. (ref). Children express their growing self control by climbing, touching, exploring and trying to do things for themselves (Coon Mitterer: 2007). Offering support, achievable tasks and time, children are more likely to experience success and thus feel autonomous and develop feelings of positive self-esteem. (ref). However, if we are impatient, provide tasks that are too difficult or become unsupportive with their efforts, children will develop feelings of shame and doubt about their abilities, resulting in low self esteem. Stage three: (3-5 years) Initiative vs Guilt: In this psychosocial theory of development, Erikson saw the preschool years as a time when children develop a sense of initiative. Preschoolers develop an increasing sense of their own ability and have a desire to make things happen. Through play, children learn to make plans and carry out tasks. Parents can reinforce initiative by giving children freedom to play, ask questions, use imagination and choose their own activities. (ref). When encouraged, this sense of initiative will support the development of high self esteem. However, when preschoolers receive negative feedback, prevent play or punished for trying to plan and make things happen they will develop a sense of guilt, thus developing low self esteem. (ref.) -Stage Four (6-12 years) Industry vs Inferiority: Middle childhood is the time to resolve the crisis of industry versus inferiority, according to Erikson. Primary school years are a childs entrance into life, where children begin to learn skills valued by society. His theory states that as children gain positive feedback from developing skills required for their particular culture, they will develop a sense of industry if they win praise for productive activities such as building, painting, cooking, reading and studying. This high self esteem will motivate children to challenge new tasks. However, if children receive negative feedback and have trouble developing skills and a sense of inferiority will arise, resulting in low self esteem and less motivation to try new tasks. (160 more)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Urban Legend of the Goatman of Beltsville, Maryland :: Urban Legends Ghost Stories

Goatman of Beltsville, Maryland The storyteller told the story of the Goatman from Beltsville story to me. On a summer night in 2005, she and her friend were driving back from a mall. Her friend took a shortcut home to Beltsville, Maryland by way of Callington Road Bridge. While on this shortcut home, her friend stopped the car on the side of road and turned off the headlights. She proceeded to tell the interviewee the story of the Goatman, emphasizing its truthfulness the entire time. After she heard the story, the interviewee never drove across Callington Road Bridge again. The storyteller told me the story of the Goatman in a mutual friend’s dorm room at night. I had come to the dorm room to ask my friend if he knew any urban legends of ghost stories from around campus or the state of Maryland. The storyteller, a 21-year-old biology major, shouted excitedly from the couch that she knew one. She is from Beltsville, Maryland. Her mother is a lawyer and her father is a math professor. My friend and I sat down on the couch and listened intently as she told the story: The Goatman from Beltsville. In the 1970s, a crazy doctor did a genetic experiment. The doctor bred a goat with a human by fusing the two embryos. A baby was born half human and half goat. It had horns, really thick hair on its face, a tail, sharp teeth, and a temper. The deformed baby grew into a really gross guy. As Goatman grew older he became more and more violent until finally the doctor kicked him out. After that, the Goatman retreated into the forest to live. He eats cats and dogs as his main source of food, and from time to time he eats humans walking alone at night along this one road commonly known as Goatman Hallow (Callington Road Bridge). Goatman is bloodthirsty, fearless, and always on the prowl. Sometimes he wanders into people’s back yards and eats their pets. Owners will find their pets the next day with only the carcasses remaining. Kids are warned not to take the shortcut home through the forest because Goatman might eat them. One time a few kids took the shortcut home at night and this one kid fell behind.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


CYCLERMATE REPORT I. Introduction of Cyclermate Lewis Llewellyn and Dai Armstrong were the first two men who made a plan of opening their own company after being redundant as the consequence of the closure of their town’s steel works in South Wales. Both of them belonged to the local cycle touring club and since then, they had become close friends.With the idea of making a traditional upright cycle in sharp of the 1940’s and 1950’s, Cyclermate Ltd has been established and quickly gained success and attracted a number of attentions of customers owing to its high quality hand – made products and word – of – mouth reputation. Over the next 15 years, the company had still expanded and continued to be successful when persuading many small cycle shops in Wales and England to display or at least to keep a stock of brochures of its products.Everything seems to work quite smoothly until 2010, when Cyclermate has faced a lot of issues in terms of finan ce, human resource and operation. To be specific, the demand among buyers in this field continues to fall even price of each Cyclermate’s product has been reduced; the quality of its products are no longer as good as it was in the past which illustrated by the increase of complaints from customers about its quality and fault and the bank manager has expressed concern about the overdraft which will cost Cyclermate a big trouble if it does not solve these problems immediately.These are just some of the obstacles which the company has faced so in this essay, I will analyze more clearly about its difficulty and recommend some positive solutions for Cyclermate which it can follows to handle these issues. II. Cyclermate analysis 1. SWOT analysis First of all, in order to have a wide vision about this company, I have used SWOT as a tool to identify and analyze the situation of Cyclermate at the moment. As regards internal factors, one of the strength of this company which makes it d ifferent compared to the other companies is unique products.As far as I am concerned, with the development of technology, many cycle shops nowadays use a modern production chain to dispose and assemble materials. Nonetheless, the cost for this activity is quite high and most of the products will be the same. When it comes to Cyclermate, almost processes have been settled by hand; thus, staffs can easily add their creation into products and attract customers by the wide range of style of its bicycle.Furthermore, by using traditional method, Cyclermate have brought some new things to the market making buyers feel more interesting, especially when products have been sold in the market are quite common and familiar. When it comes to the weaknesses, as almost Cyclermate’s products have been made by hand so mistakes and faults are inevitable. That is to say, besides the price paying for materials, it also has to spend some more for fixing service.Moreover, with the lack of employee s and capital, Cyclermate has struggled in operating the company and consequently, it normally has to face the insufficient production selling in the market. As regards external factors, a huge opportunity for Cyclermate at the very first is that it produces an unfamiliar product so Cyclermate can avoid big competitors and has a chance to dominate the market. Besides, according to Mr. Llewellyn, there is still strong growths to come in the cycle market as more and more people abandon their cars; hence, this is a good chance for this company to reach to its customers.One of the most striking features which should be considered here is the economic crisis occurring in 2008 resulted in the threat of total collapse of large financial institutions, the bailout of banks by national governments, and downturns in stock markets around the world. In many areas, the housing market also suffered, resulting in evictions, foreclosures and prolonged unemployment. The crisis played a significant ro le in the failure of key businesses, declines in consumer wealth estimated in trillions of US dollars, and a downturn in economic activity.As the consequence, people will have to think about a solution to save money and one possible way at this time is reduce the usage of petrol; in another word, reduce using gas transportation and change to physical vehicle such as bicycle. So if Cyclermate can attracts customers and creates a habit of using bicycle among them, it definitely will success in the future. The only threat of Cyclermate which I want to mention here is the appearance of some competitors in this major for example Halfords which gained success at the moment even there are many cycle shops are closing – outpriced.At the very first, Cyclermate was one of the first company entering this field so it did not have to pay much attention about how to deal with the others competitors. Nevertheless, when the time passed by, many companies have noticed about this potential mar ket so it is time for Cyclermate to try their best to gain trust of customers if they do not want to lose the market to their rivals. 2. Current issues of Cyclermate a. Finance problem After having an overlook about the situation of Cyclermate, the next part of my essay will come closer to all the issues which Cyclermate has met.Firstly, this company has to deal with a huge trouble which comes from finance. As I mentioned before, Cyclermate had to reduce the cost of its product to maintain sales, costs are rising and the overdraft is increase year by year which push the company on the edge of bankruptcy. Besides, according to Ms. Barry the budget for the coming year will further decline and possible trading losses as the consequence of a decline in sales. Moreover, based on the profit statement for the last five years, it is clearly that the finance issue of this company is in danger.To illustrated, the profit retained of the company had decreased significantly compared to the last 4 year (from ? 42734 in 9/30/2009 to ? 12724 in 9/30/2010) and it did not even pay the dividends for shareholder and the cash on hand of Cyclermate in 30/9/2010 was just ? 657; put it in another words, the liquidity of this company was too low and if there was something happen for example the banks did not believe Cyclermate anymore and they wanted their money back, it could not have enough cash to pay for its creditors and had to mortgage its non-current assets; hence, this company will not have enough machine or capital to run its business.In order to help the company overcome this problem, there are some solutions which I am considered will be possible. First, according to the financial statement, even the direct sales units sold was lower than shop sales price, the profit which Cyclermate received from direct sale was much more higher. To be specific, in 9/30/2006, even there were just 743 units sold by direct sales, compared to 1010 units by shop sales, the revenue from the for mer was much more higher ( 743Ãâ€"650 – 1010Ãâ€"390 = â‚ ¬89050).That is to say, by reducing the products sold in shop, Cyclermate can saves and gains more money. Furthermore, in order to maintain the connection which suppliers after reducing the quantity, Cyclermate can negotiate with these suppliers and offer some extra interest rate or commission so that its supplier will still remain display and sell the product of this company. Another solution is that Dai Armstrong should allow Lewis Llewellyn to retire. The reason is that Lewis Llewellyn himself does not willing to work anymore and he usually find his work increasingly tiring and stressful.Besides, although he is one of the first 2 men who established Cyclermate as well as the shareholder of the company, he himself thinks that this company should close down or should be sold for the others UK firms. If employees in Cyclermate know what he is thinking, will they want to work for its workplace anymore; and even they still work for this company, no one can guarantee that they will put 100% of their mind on working. So let Lewis Llewellyn go seem to be the right choice at this time.However, Dai Armstrong must negotiate with Lewis about his share in the company because if he wants his money back; I believe that the capital of Cyclermate will not meet the standard to run its business. In my opinion, the negotiation will success as these two men has a strong relationship and has worked with each other for such a long time so if everything is ok, Cyclermate will save a lot of money for the next coming year. b. Human resources problem There are a number of problems with the human resource of Cyclermate. First of all, it does not have enough staffs to run the business smoothly after expanding.For instance, Dai Armstrong is the chairman of the company and normally, he must takes in charge of operating and controlling the activity of Cyclermate and distributes a particular job for his employees. Nonethe less, owing to the insufficient workforce, Dai himself still makes all the frames, using the original jigs constructed in his garage all those years ago and the inevitable thing is that he is finding it hard to keep up this level of production, both because of the physical demands of the task, and because of his other duties as factory manager and business director; as regards package, it is usually taken by anyone who has spare time.That is to say, it cannot guarantee the productivity of the firm, especially in rush time, when the staffs cannot even meet the quantity requirement of their main duty so how can they handle another. Moreover, at the moment, the company does not have as much skillful staffs as possible in order to maintain the productivity of Cyclermate and Gwyneth Morgan is one of typically example. She usually deals with internal and external enquiries, ata entry, and other routine tasks which is classify as paper work; however the main responsibility of her job is pu rchasing and help company avoiding disruption from stockouts; hence, the work cannot meet the efficiency as expected or Ffred Gregory who is 18 years old and quite new to the process, often has to work overtime to ensure that orders are met on time so that training him has further slowed production recently. Of course, Cyclermate still has some professional employees like Idris Pugh who was recruited from a local cycle repair shop.He is a perfectionist in terms of wheel manufacture and never cause for any complaints but sometimes, the work were late for appointment owing to his old-age and bad healthy. As far as solutions are concerned, I have found out some possible ones which Cyclermate can applies. At the very first, it should re-train the staffs in the company in order to meet the requirement of their field. This train can be hold by the boss himself or skillful employees of Cyclermate so that they can not only save a bundle of money for the company but also have more time to ch at and understand each other, especially newcomers.Moreover, after enrolling in this course, employees should be guaranteed to understand their job clearly and easily to combat with the task given. Another thing which can be done is recruit some new employees for Cyclermate. This is kind of positive way at this time as a new and professional staffs can help the company find out a new and creative way to complete the task and maintain the requirement quantity and quality of the company. However, I do not highly recommend this solution as the finance issue of the company is in danger and it is hard for Cyclermate to hire some new employees at this time. c. Operation problemThe very last problem of Cyclermate which I want to mention here is Operation ones. First of all, the leader of the company does not have a clear distribution for each staff which leads to the unstable in their job and costs a low productivity for such a long time. To be illustrated, Dai Armstrong has to take charge of many different responsibilities included the chairman of Cyclermate, the worker who makes all the frames of products and even a packaged man. With a bunch of workloads which have been handled like that, how can this man has time to think about a new strategy, a new plan to improve the current situation of the company?And the others workers, with a number of things have been done in a short time, how can they guarantee that no mistake will be made, not mention about some majors are not their professional field. Besides, as far as I concerned, before establishing Cyclermate, Lewis was just on his way up from apprentice to be chief mill engineer while Dai had progressed from â€Å"office boy† to a senior marketing post. That is to say, with this current position, how can they have enough management skills to lead the other in the company?Last but not least, the problem even come from the top manager of the company which is Lewis and Dai who share management of the business, though by nature of their differing roles, Lewis tends to focus more on production issues and Dai on external relations. Like people have said â€Å" 1 dat khong the co 2 vua†, with a different role like that, they cannot guide their employees to a single task which is break the basic rules of a corporation; consequently, Cyclermate’s staffs do not know what to concentrate on and lack of clear vision about the goal of what they have to do.When it comes to the solution, I believe that there are some ways which can help Cyclermate improve the current situation of this company. Firstly, Dai Armstrong has to set down a clear distribution for each position in the company. He has to reduce the multi – responsibility among his workers so that they can focus 100% on their current job and maintain the productivity of each process.Secondly, as I mentioned above, If Cyclermate accepts the retirement of Lewis Llewellyn, it can concentrates deeply on a single task at the mom ent for example maintain the productivity or improve the quality of its products, etc which is clear so that employees will know what they have to do to meet the goal of the company. Lastly, in order to save money, save materials and still supply enough products to meet the need of customers, Cyclermate itself should considers to apply JIT method on produce the products.This method was described by Henry Ford in his book as a production model in which items are created to meet demand, not created in surplus or in advance of need. I absolutely think that this solution will fit the Cyclermate’s situation well, especially when it has a huge issue with finance; Thus, by calculating an exact figure of materials has been and should be used, this company can avoid the waste associated with overproduction, waiting and excess inventory. In order to support for this method, I highly recommend the company to use Kanban cards to make JIT become more efficiency. As far as I oncerned, this Kanban card is like a label which contained a number of information about products such as name, number of units and a variety of other news that clearly conveys what must be done. By applying this card in manufacturing, especially in the situation of Cyclermate when the work of each staffs does not fix, it will help employees to control and identify which should be done next by analyze the color of Kanban cards for instance the white or green Kanban cards mean that a product do not have to manufacture yet, the yellow ones mean that employees should start producing a goods immediately, etc.III. Recommendation After analyzing the case study about Cyclermate, I want to note down briefly about some potential routes which this company can follow to reach to the market. First of all, as far as I am concerned, Cyclermate has a good supplied channel who ready to advertise and sell the product of the company and Word of Mouth method seems to bring a positive chance for it to attract custom ers.That is to say, developing this supplied channel can help Cyclermate increase its image on the eyes of customers and there are many others retailers which have not been asked about selling Cyclermate’s products so this a one of a best way for this company to expand its business. Another striking feature here is that it can focus on direct sale to sell its product to buyers. This method can help the company reduce the price paid for middleman and furthermore, Cyclermate can take this chance as an opportunity to interact with customers in order to understand and identify what they really want and need.Lastly, with the significant develop of technology, marketing is now become more and more important within any corporation around the world to approach and attract buyers. However, this way seems to be forgotten by Cyclermate indicated in the meeting’s report that the marketing activity of this company in recent year is quite rare. As the consequence, Cyclermate can spe nd some of the money saved from firing Lewis Llewellyn and profit retained to improve this activity to rise up its status and advertise a great hand-made bicycle to customers. IV. ConclusionCyclermate Ltd, in my opinion, is a brave company as it does not follow the trend of current market but identifying and having its own idea to manufacture a unique product, even in a harsh time like this. However, it has met a number of issues when trying to operate its business which I have mentioned above. In the future, there will be a lot of difficulties which this company has to handle. Having said that, with all the ideas and solutions which I have noted down in my essay, I strongly believe that it is possible for Cyclermate to recover and strengthen as it did in the past.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Quiz Innovation Essay Example

Quiz Innovation Essay Example Quiz Innovation Essay Quiz Innovation Essay Quiz No 3Version: A Name__________________Student Number______________ 1. The globalization of markets and the importance of innovation are independent of one another. 2. Flexible manufacturing technologies have increased the importance of production economies of scale. 3. Innovation and new technology have led to longer product life cycles as better quality products are being produced. 4. The increased pace of innovation has only had a negligible effect on market segmentation and product obsolescence. 5. Slow innovation results in diminishing margins and product obsolescence. 6. Technological innovation can have a positive impact on our quality of life through improved goods and services. 7. Technology’s effects on society are always positive. 8. Technology in its purest form is not knowledge, but rather faith that things will get better. 9. Firms that charge headlong into new product development usually have short development cycles. 10. Studies have revealed that innovation is a freewheeling process that is unconstrained by rules and plans. 11. Sometimes knowing a field too well can stifle creativity. 12. The organization’s structure, routines, and incentives can thwart individual creativity, but not amplify it. 13. Sometimes paying people for suggestions undermines creativity because it focuses their shift on extrinsic motivation. 14. Though a generalist by nature, inventors are specialists in the field in which they invent. 15. Innovation often originates with those who create solutions for their own needs. 16. The qualities that make people inventive do not necessarily make them entrepreneurial. 17. Manufacturers typically create new product innovations in order to profit from the sale of the innovation to customers. 18. Firms consider their in-house RD to be their least important source of innovation, but still feel it is necessary to possess. 19. The most frequent collaborations are between firms and their customers, suppliers, and local universities. 20. A complementor is a company or individual that produces goods or services that enhance the value of another product. 21. The path a technology follows through time is termed its technology map. 22. Product innovation can enable process innovation. 23. The radicalness of an innovation is absolute. 24. Radical innovation entails changing the overall design of the system or the way that components interact with each other. 25. In order to initiate a component innovation, a firm requires knowledge about the way components link and integrate to form the whole system. 26. A technology’s S-curve of performance improvement is unrelated to its S-curve of diffusion. 27. The S-curve in technological improvement is a plot of performance against effort and money invested in that technology. 8. Until a new technology has established a degree of legitimacy, it may be difficult to attract other researchers to participate in its development. 29. Technologies always get the opportunity to reach their performance limits before being replaced by a new technology. 30. â€Å"Moore’s Law† refers to the rapidly increasing density of transistors on integrated circuits that enabled microprocessor performance to increase dramatically. This increase in density is expected to always continue at the same rate.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Wolf and the Buffalo essays

The Wolf and the Buffalo essays Throughout history mankind has had many social and racial inequalities. Sometimes its these inequalities that help motivate people to do certain things. In The Wolf and the Buffalo Kelton illustrates the social inequalities that existed in post Civil War Texas and between black and white soldiers and the blacks and whites against the Indians. Kelton also ties in the motives for people interacting with one another in the way that they do. Many characters in the book were motivated differently to do the things they did. However in the case of Gideon his motives changed a few times throughout the book. At first he was just saving up for a farm of his own, and then when he met Hannah she became his motivation. When she leaves his motivation temporarily checks out too. It dont matter. Everything I was savin it for is gone (210). He doesnt even care that Finley had stolen all of his money that he was saving for his farm because Hannah was out of his life. When the troops get lost in the desert and it looks like they will all die even Hollander loses his motivation to keep looking for water. Hollander extended his silver watch....he managed a few clear words. Wife. Give to my wife and baby.....Gideon replies, No! Youll live. You give it to her (358-9). Gideon reminded Hollander that his motivation WAS his wife and child and that they were enough to keep him going. Hollander does not forget Gideons actions because he later makes Gideon Sergeant for his leadership he showed. Gray Horse is motivated throughout much of the book by revenge because he thinks his wife and child were murdered. It seemed for a time that only by talking of revenge could Limping Boy kindle the flame of life in his cousins eyes. Anger would sometimes bring the heart to a strong beat, for a while (278). In this case it was revenge that moti...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Eid; S Celebration Essays

Eid; S Celebration Essays Eid; S Celebration Essay Eid; S Celebration Essay Eid’s day will be celebrated by the Muslims after one month of fasting. For Muslims, Eid’s day is a special day to celebrate after we have gone through fasting for a month from food and drinks starting from Subuh until Maghrib. There are three synonymous Eid’s day symbols for me which include wearing traditional clothes, making many types of traditional food and baking cookies. For me the most synonymous symbols is wearing traditional clothes such as baju melayu and baju kurung.Some people could buy clothes every month, some people could only buy clothes once a year that is Eid’s day. But there are also some people that could not even afford to buy new clothes for Eid’s day and could only wait for others to give it to them. Nevertheless, everyone will wear baju melayu or baju kurung on Eid’s day. Furthermore, I can see a lot of delicious, variety and mouth watering food when Eid’s day arrived. For example, the main menu for Muslims are ketupat, lemang and variety of rendang. Ketupat and lemang are cooked in different ways. Ketupat is wrapped by fan palm while lemang is put into the bamboo. Ketupat and lemang is complement when eating with rendang. Rendang have two types which is made by chicken and beef. Ketupat, lemang and rendang is the most synonymous food for Eid’s day. Moreover, many people will start baking cookies for Eid’s day. There are various types of cookies that will be sold everywhere. Eid’s day is not complete without Eid’s day cookies.For instance, almond London cookies, pineapple tart cookies and chocolate chip cookies. When guest come to visit their relatives they will be served with delicious cookies. Usually, this special cookies only available in Eid’s day season. Lastly, Eid’s day is a joyous celebration that involves wearing traditional clothes, making many types of traditional food and baking cookies is feasting in homes everywhere where family members greet one another with happy Eid’s day. Without these synonymous things Eid’s day is not perfect.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Practical Guide to Successful Teaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

A Practical Guide to Successful Teaching - Essay Example To do this, facilitating the learning process becomes vital. This is because it is the role of the teacher to interact and professionally relate with the students in a manner that enhances their educational welfare. In so doing, the teaching-learning roles of a teacher are met. To complement this process, teacher responsibilities are factored in. This is done by ensuring that the teacher constantly monitors changes in the teaching and learning environment so that any vital changes are adopted in a timely manner. Most importantly, ethics and professional conduct crown the teacher’s responsibilities. The discharge of the teacher’s role and responsibilities inform the completeness of the teaching cycle. Of course, the cycle is characterized by critical boundaries that have to be observed at all times. While the teaching-learning environment requires student-teacher interaction and professional relations be maintained, the process is subject to boundaries that outline the extent to which such interactions and relations can go. Striking a balance between the issues, concerns, interests, goals, and objectives of teaching and learning maintains a professional perspective of the role, responsibilities and boundaries of a teacher in terms of the teaching cycle (Ingleby, Dawn, & Powell, 2011, p.92). The educational setting is broad in scope and practice. As a result, the applicable legislation and codes of practice vary across differentiated fields of specialization. The education fraternity is made up of numerous subjects, all of which contribute significantly to the success of the education sector. The education organizational setting is regulated and/or governed by numerous current legislation, among them: Equality Act 2010, Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, Data Protection Act 1998,  Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001, and Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (LSC, 2007). Moreover, in specific fields like social sciences, there are applicable legislation that regulates, monitor, and govern the training and execution of examinations.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Relative value securities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Relative value securities - Essay Example Total operating expenses remain the same, yet total revenues have decreased by a small margin. Another factor to mention is the operating income, which has experienced the same kind of trends. An additional worrying sign is that the fund underperformed the S&P 500 by 2% during the first quarter of 1991. This is in stark contrast to the exemplary performance over the preceding five years. Jupiter Venture was only one of two mutual funds that had outperformed the S&P 500 year on year since 1985. The opportunity to take the Sensormatic offer is an attractive one, but there is no guarantee that Sensormatic would continue to grow at its current pace. Sensormatic is looking to move away from the soft-goods market and turn to hard-goods protection. However, the gross margin of hard-goods EAS systems is only around 30%, which is half of the figure for soft goods. The hard goods market is extremely competitive, and there is no guarantee that Sensormatic would come out on top. Win Smith should close Jupiter Venture and get out while he still can. Although the short-term prospects do not look good for Jupiter Venture, there is no reason to suggest that the company’s long-term viability is under threat. While the income statement and comparative financial data show that the company is stagnating, so are many of its nearest competitors. The boom of the mid to late 1980s is over, and Jupiter Venture needs to reinvent itself to prepare to expand going into the 1990s and beyond. The company’s balance sheet shows an encouraging sign—total liabilities only make up about 15% of the company’s total assets (total liabilities of $12.2 million compared to total assets of $83 million). Jupiter Venture’s total long-term debt is only around half of this figure. This figures show that while the company may take a hit in the short-term, the foundations of the company are strong because it does not rely on debt to finance its operations. Looking at the comparative

Review Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Review - Research Paper Example d the design, the InAlAs-InGaAs-lnP lattice matched epitaxial layers were developed by the organo metallic vapor phae epitaxy on the lnP:Fe substrate. The layer structure consisted of 25nm lnP:Fe buffer layer, a 50nm ln(Ga,AL) graded layer, 300-nm n+ -InP:Si (6 10 cm ohmic contact layer and a 50-nm InAlAs Schottky-barrier enhancement layer. The graded layer was incorporated into the structure to remove conduction and valence band discontinuities that tend to degrade the high frequency performance citric acid:H202 was used to achieve an anisotropic mesa etch (Wohlmuth, Seo, Fay, Caneau, &. Adesida, 2). The etch profile enabled a Ti: Au interconnection between the top ITO Schotty contact and the microwave probe pads. RF magnetron was used to deposit the ITO film (thickness 320nm, refractive index of 2.05) sputtering in the argon environment. The experimental results showed that the device had a low knee voltage of about 0.39v, which is in accordance to the background doping concentration of 4x1014 cm-3 (Wohlmuth et al, 2). The responsive of the devices was between 0.55-0.60 A/W at wavelength of 1.31 mm and 0.563-0.583 for 1.55 mm at a bias of 5V. The dark current density of the Schottky contact increased as the diameter of the devices was reduced. This implied that the dark current of the devices is due to the surface-state conduction on the edges of the mesa rather than across the barrier contact (Wohlmuth, Seo, Fay, Caneau, &. Adesida, 3). At 100 mm, the lowest dark current was exhibited at 8.87x10-5 A/cm-2 at a bias of 5V. The frequency of the device was determined using the HP83420A light wave test set of wavelength 1.55 mm, 50ohm characteristic impedance. The 3-dB cutoff frequency at 10V for 11, 50, 25, 20, 15 diameter devices was found to be 2.5, 10.3, 21.2, 23.7, 25GHZ respectively. The high responsiveness was up to 0.60A/W for 1.31 light and 0.583 A/W for 1.55 mm (Wohlmuth, Seo, Fay, Caneau, &. Adesida, 4). The paper aimed at investigating the

Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Corporate Social Responsibility - Essay Example This essay stresses that CSR has been known to have a great positive impact on the reputation of a business but very little, if any, impact on the profit margins of a company. This paper declares that the level to which these principles are applied is institutional and is on the basis of a firms basic business obligations as a business unit. Principles of social responsiveness are of value simply because they define the institutional relationship between businesses and the society and gives a specification of what is expected of the business. This being the first level of measuring CSR, it is all about the relationship between the relationship between businesses and the society at large. This level has three major elements. The first major element is legitimacy. This concerns the business as a social institution and it frames the analytical view of the relationship between a business and society. The second element is public responsibility. This concerns the individual firm and its processes and outcomes within the framework of its own principles in terms of what it actually does. The third element is managerial discretion. This element refers to the membe rs of the organization, managers especially, as moral actors of the company. Managers are under obligation to exercise discretion as is availed to them towards socially responsible outcomes within every domain of corporate social responsibility.... Just like any other business variable, CSR is measureable. Much interest has grown on the measurement of CSR and as a result, people have developed numerous literary documents that try to explain how CSR can be measured. The most common approach for measuring CSR is a systems model that is referred to as the 3p Model (Hopkins 2012). This model evaluates the CSR performance of a business on three levels namely: Principles of social responsibility; Processes of social responsiveness; and Products or the outcomes as they relate to the firms societal relationships. Principles of Social Responsiveness The level to which these principles are applied is institutional and is on the basis of a firms basic business obligations as a business unit. Principles of social responsiveness are of value simply because they define the institutional relationship between businesses and the society and gives a specification of what is expected of the business. This being the first level of measuring CSR, i t is all about the relationship between the relationship between businesses and the society at large. This level has three major elements. The first major element is legitimacy. This concerns the business as a social institution and it frames the analytical view of the relationship between a business and society. The second element is public responsibility. This concerns the individual firm and its processes and outcomes within the framework of its own principles in terms of what it actually does. The third element is managerial discretion. This element refers to the members of the organization, managers especially, as moral actors of the company. Managers are under obligation

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Essay Example The response of the African American women to these conflicting roles entailed the creation of a new meaning to true womanhood, the basis upon which Jacobs bases her story. Through her struggles, Jacobs fights to redefine the cult of true womanhood from its oppressiveness so as to secure her life and that of the future generation. As a young African American woman slave, having lost her mother and a few years later her mother’s mistress to whom she was bequeathed, Linda Brent fights all odds against sexual oppression from her father, Dr. Flint, to the extent of having an affair with a white neighbor, Mr. Sands, with whom she begets Benny and Ellen (Jacobs 2003, 131). Linda seems to have discovered herself and her intolerance to the oppression and mistreatment that slaves, and particularly the women, were subjected to, causing her to always run away from its perpetrators, not leaving her children behind. The cult of true womanhood The 19th Century African American woman was exp ected to be a domesticator. ... Furthermore, Linda appreciates responsible motherhood as a critical aspect of true womanhood and she sacrifices her welfare so as to ensure the well-being of her children. Even when she plans to escape to the North, she considers all options of having her children escape with her. She fights to see that they do not fall into the bondage of slavery, knowing the oppression involved. This indicates her embrace of motherhood together with the involved responsibilities as an appreciation of true womanhood. The excellence of a woman in domestic tasks made her worth of praise as a true woman. Secondly, submission was a key trait of true womanhood. African American women were to abide by what their husbands and men in general dictated without questioning, since men had God-given authority over women. According to Welter (1966, 156), the society then considered submission as the most feminine virtue that a woman had to portray whereas men were expected to be religious and pure, even though th ey barely had time for these. This submissiveness is portrayed when Dr. Flint objects to Linda’s wishes to marry her love, a young free black man, and in turn Linda asks him to leave and give up on the marriage. Religion propagated this submissiveness as observed of the minister who preached obedience to masters and hard work as Christian ethical obligations (Jacobs 2003, 82). Women were particularly to be passive, submissive responders in this society. To this African American woman, marriage was not to be guided by money but pure love, and its corollary is motherhood, adding to the prestige and usefulness of such a woman. As documented by Littlefield (2007, 54), motherhood for slave women was rooted

Domestic finance and microfinance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Domestic finance and microfinance - Assignment Example Their role in the market makes a big difference between the two lending institutions. It’s also vital noting that the amount they finance differs in terms of their amount and their requirement. The motive of MFIs was to help the low-income people access banking as opposed to the commercial banks that have different target group (Ledgerwood &White, 2006). Lastly, MFIs can provide loans to low-income earners on the basis formation groups. As compared to the commercial banks, MFIs are effective in working with the low-income earners. Governments also support their operations in order to boost their economy. The MFIs play crucial roles in the developing of a countrys economy. They help the members of such countries in setting up their business by financing them. They also help them people in understanding the need to do savings through their training forums. Through their operations, they help in increasing supply and circulation of money. Moreover, in terms of management they help them to know what they are required to do in managing what they have and use those assets to generate income (Ledgerwood &White, 2006). However, as the MFIs operates, they are not allowed to spread misleading information as a way of persuading their target customers. In this case, ethical standards regulating banking sector remains a must to them too and never bleach

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Corporate Social Responsibility - Essay Example This essay stresses that CSR has been known to have a great positive impact on the reputation of a business but very little, if any, impact on the profit margins of a company. This paper declares that the level to which these principles are applied is institutional and is on the basis of a firms basic business obligations as a business unit. Principles of social responsiveness are of value simply because they define the institutional relationship between businesses and the society and gives a specification of what is expected of the business. This being the first level of measuring CSR, it is all about the relationship between the relationship between businesses and the society at large. This level has three major elements. The first major element is legitimacy. This concerns the business as a social institution and it frames the analytical view of the relationship between a business and society. The second element is public responsibility. This concerns the individual firm and its processes and outcomes within the framework of its own principles in terms of what it actually does. The third element is managerial discretion. This element refers to the membe rs of the organization, managers especially, as moral actors of the company. Managers are under obligation to exercise discretion as is availed to them towards socially responsible outcomes within every domain of corporate social responsibility.... Just like any other business variable, CSR is measureable. Much interest has grown on the measurement of CSR and as a result, people have developed numerous literary documents that try to explain how CSR can be measured. The most common approach for measuring CSR is a systems model that is referred to as the 3p Model (Hopkins 2012). This model evaluates the CSR performance of a business on three levels namely: Principles of social responsibility; Processes of social responsiveness; and Products or the outcomes as they relate to the firms societal relationships. Principles of Social Responsiveness The level to which these principles are applied is institutional and is on the basis of a firms basic business obligations as a business unit. Principles of social responsiveness are of value simply because they define the institutional relationship between businesses and the society and gives a specification of what is expected of the business. This being the first level of measuring CSR, i t is all about the relationship between the relationship between businesses and the society at large. This level has three major elements. The first major element is legitimacy. This concerns the business as a social institution and it frames the analytical view of the relationship between a business and society. The second element is public responsibility. This concerns the individual firm and its processes and outcomes within the framework of its own principles in terms of what it actually does. The third element is managerial discretion. This element refers to the members of the organization, managers especially, as moral actors of the company. Managers are under obligation

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Domestic finance and microfinance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Domestic finance and microfinance - Assignment Example Their role in the market makes a big difference between the two lending institutions. It’s also vital noting that the amount they finance differs in terms of their amount and their requirement. The motive of MFIs was to help the low-income people access banking as opposed to the commercial banks that have different target group (Ledgerwood &White, 2006). Lastly, MFIs can provide loans to low-income earners on the basis formation groups. As compared to the commercial banks, MFIs are effective in working with the low-income earners. Governments also support their operations in order to boost their economy. The MFIs play crucial roles in the developing of a countrys economy. They help the members of such countries in setting up their business by financing them. They also help them people in understanding the need to do savings through their training forums. Through their operations, they help in increasing supply and circulation of money. Moreover, in terms of management they help them to know what they are required to do in managing what they have and use those assets to generate income (Ledgerwood &White, 2006). However, as the MFIs operates, they are not allowed to spread misleading information as a way of persuading their target customers. In this case, ethical standards regulating banking sector remains a must to them too and never bleach

An Examination of Racism in the Deep South of America Essay Example for Free

An Examination of Racism in the Deep South of America Essay An Examination of Racism in the Deep South of America From the1930s to the 1960s through a variety of texts. Race: a group of persons having a common ancestor family, kindred people, genus, species, breed, variety, or class of persons That is what the dictionary says, so why so much hatred, politics and fuss The Anglo American slave trade, started in the 16th century when the first Hispanic people settled in Mexico and the Caribbean. From there, the other Europeans who migrated took black Africans to work on their cotton and tobacco plantations. This started the very wealthy Slave Triangle in which many Captains sought profit. The ships would sail empty from England, Spain, France or Portugal to the African countries to catch slaves. After filling their holds with human cargo they would set sail for the Caribbean. Once there, the Captains sold the slaves to the dealers in return for cotton or tobacco, which they would sell for a large profit back at home. These slaves were then the full property of their masters and he or she could do anything they liked to them and treat them in anyway they wanted to. One example of this is an advertisement in the Royal Gazette (Kingston Jamaica) saying; Runaway, about 15 months ago a Negro man of the Mungola country named Jamaica also about two months ago, two Negro men named James and Sambo a reward of i 10 for Jamaica and a Half Joe each for James and Sambo Also stolen or strayed a Bright Bay Northward HORSE also a small JACK ASS a reward of a pistole will be given for each This shows that their masters treated the slaves with about as much respect and sense of belonging as a horse or donkey. Such disregard upset many Americans and so some spoke out against it. In 1861, because they would not agree to abolish slavery, the Southern States left the Union of American States. This created even more outcry until Abraham Lincoln , the then President of America declared war on the Southern States. The American Civil War was fought between 1861 and 1865. It destroyed most of the agricultural land in the South and drained it of its wealth. After the Civil War the United States of America was formed. During the next 5 10 years the Northerners set in place a number of laws giving back human and civil rights to the black people. Initially this idea worked, but due to the hostility of the Southern confederacy these changes eventually failed. The Yankees that is the Northern Army and Governors called the changes they made reconstruction, but after they left, using a number of loopholes in the Law, the Southern Governors set in place many new rules. These were called the Jim Crow Laws and they segregated the black former slaves from the white people completely, thereby undoing all the good work done by the Northerners. The following time of white supremacy was called redemption This time of redemption and segregation was a hard time for the blacks; 1) Their voting rights were taken away 2) The money for black schools was diverted to white education. 3) There were separate buses for coloured and white people, or no bus at all. An example of this is given in the Novel Roll of Thunder where the Logan children have to dive into a ditch up to their chests, or in the case of Little Man- swim, to avoid the oncoming Jefferson Davies school bus and its ruthless driver. It was around this time when the Depression hit America. The South was hit especially hard and the price of cotton fell dramatically. This downturn in the economy created serious hardship for the majority of people, both black and white. The arrival of new technology added to the hardship as cotton looms and ploughs cut work loads, making one person and one tractor able to do the work of eight men and eight mules. Publicity of the suffering of the South created Aid and money from Northern Citizens, but due to the amount of corruption the blacks did not benefit from this. Some workers, both black and white, joined together to fight for more money and better working conditions, and as a result the rich landowners and vigilantly race hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan used violence to break up their protests and demonstrations. Racism comes in three forms Verbal, Physical and Institutional Verbal Why did the white people feel that they could say something offensive and why did they even say it in the first place? In the Novel Roll of Thunder, Little Man receives a book from his teacher for the new term. He eagerly thumbs through it but to his horror finds a form that reads: Date Condition Owner Sept 1922 Good White Sept 1928 Good White Sept 1930 Average White Sept 1933 Very Poor Nigra The term nigra is very offensive and as a result the naive boy protests and gives the book back. His teacher, Mrs Crocker simply replies Well, thats what you are! . This shows that even teachers can happily pass off insulting words just because a coloured child had owned a book. A further insult was that the book was damaged, which was untrue. Another form of verbal abuse is when in the same book, a mob attempts to lynch TJ, and they decide to try and hang Pa Logan and Mr. Morrison, the human giant I say, what we oughtta do is take him down the road an take care of that big black giant of a nigger at the same time! And why not that boy he working for too? The boy they are referring to Pa Logan, a fully-grown, independent man. This is from the time of slavery, where the masters could speak to their slaves as they wished.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Historical Research Methods: Strengths and Weaknesses

Historical Research Methods: Strengths and Weaknesses What are the strengths and limitations of using biography, autobiography and oral history as historical sources? The combination of autobiography, biography and oral history is enrichment to the study of history through placing an emphasis on the role that personalities and individuals have in historical events.   They form important sources for historical study both primary and secondary. It has been claimed that the relative merits of biography and oral history, although intrinsically flawed, are an essential element in the writing and study of history. Oral history as a source can conceivably be controversial because it could be perceived as unreliable and mercurial.   Memory and the passage of time can intentionally or unintentionally, distort or omit details; seeming spontaneity in response can be over-elaborate or exaggerate an individuals contribution; oral dialogue can personalise events and confirm them but a personal perspective could also diminish and simplify the same events.   Interviews, despite possible lack of detail, lapses of memory and tricks of the imagination, give ac cess to a valuable historical source which could create a lost world. History is not just an evaluation of causes and consequences; it is also a study of human nature.   Autobiography, biography and oral history can give illustration and colour to what could be perceived as a dry and dusty subject.   They can add personal insight into an event and because of this they can also be unreliable.   They can modify or distort the truth according to the authors motives for writing the piece or agreeing to the interview. It could be argued that history is a record of human progress, achievements and endeavours so without the contribution of personalised accounts whether through oral recordings, biography or autobiography, the study and analysis of history would be a one-dimensional digest of facts.   History without some personal focus would be tedious and unbalanced; personal records prompt deeper historical reflection and research. Biography It is hard for the biographer, for instance, to rise above his own preconceptions and be truly objective. Biographies should be used as sources but it always should be borne in mind that they are often subjectively and not always objectively written. The one of the strengths of using biographies are that there is a direct focus on an event and the biographer might give an event more depth and detail than a general history book would and perhaps give it a human slant. Biographers can be biased, they are sometimes said to fall in love with their subjects. Whilst this maybe an exaggeration there is some truth in the fact that it is hard to be objective about a subject that the writer has analysed in depth and feels they understand.   Biographers are selective through necessity as no biography can ever be a full unvarnished story of a life.   In this selection the biographer has to make a decision as to whether he is judgemental or whether he presents a selection of facts from which his reader can form their own opinion of the subject.   In presenting such a selection, the biographer will be allowing his own views and background colour his choice. It is the attempt to be even-handed with the subject of the biography that can cause controversy as the biographer is accused of rehabilitating historys villains on one hand or denigrating its heroes on the other. Revisionist theories about notorious historical figures can cause outcry and condemnation as was well illustrated by David Irvings biography of Adolf Hitler. Even with all the problems, they still are a good source of information and the reader should always consider other books about the same person if they are unsure of the treatment of the subject matter. The wisest thing to do is to cross reference biographies/history books and use more than one source, in order to get a better and more informed opinion. Autobiography Autobiography can provide unique insights since nobody knows better than the subject about themselves. On the other hand they can be economical with the truth or written to cause sensation; the facts could be skewed because the writer will not doubt be attempting to present himself in the best light. It is also probable that only one point of view of events will be given so the account might not be well-balanced. That being said, autobiography is a good first source of information.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

My Team Success Essay -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Team B was a small group of people with interchangeable skills who found themselves responsible for a common purpose and goal. Learning Teams can get more complicated projects done at a more rapid pace than an individual assigned project because decision-making is more effective in a team environment. Our team was some what complex. We were a successful group of people who were cooperating, critiquing, communicating and reporting to a forum.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Our team did not just happen. We were formed then molded. (Kreitner, Kinicki, 2004) states:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  So what is this first and most important step for creating   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  effective teams? It’s called â€Å"Chartering.† Chartering is the process   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  by which the team is formed, its mission or task described, its   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  resources allocated, its goals set, its membership committed, and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  its plans made. (p. 410)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The formation developed in four stages. The first was the Forming stage otherwise known as the â€Å"Ice Breaking Stage† in which we were uncertain about our roles and who to trust (Stewart, Manz, 1999). During this stage we had a group discussion and a member became prominent to take the leader position. The following stage was Storming which is a time when members learn about ground rules discussed then confirmed by the leader. This is the stage where I learned that I was responsible for writing Example #1 and the date my part had to be turned in. The third stage of our development was Norming, a stage of working together to reach our goals. In this stage Team B moved their individual turn in dates back a day and team members picked up additional tasks as the project had clear dead line dates. We became more aware that we were going to have less time for editing than we normally planned for. Lastly, the Performing stage is focused on solving any problems that arise. This stage is critical for getting the project done on time and completing the goal. Our team had a few problems toward the end. One problem that aro... ... we used two of them. The first, Collaborative is â€Å"Trying to find a solution in which the needs of both or all parties are completely met.† Secondly, Compromise definition is â€Å"Trying to find a middle position in which all parties give a little to gain something.† Through these two strategies the conflicts turned out to be a positive addition. Our team was not afraid of it; therefore more ideas and thoughts were able to reach out for a group decision.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We were a group of people with a vision working towards a common goal. The building of our team was complicated. We negotiated roles and tasks according to our strengths and interests. We worked well together, but far from perfect. Through varies conflicts ideas were exchanged and meaningful productivity resulted (Porter, 2003). Good communication resulted from trust and respect. All members shared an equal participation which made it easier for each individual to contribute to the success of Week 3.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Various methods of media that is being used in direct marketing :: Business and Management Studies

Various methods of media that is being used in direct marketing 1 Introduction This report is on the various methods of media that is being used in direct marketing. A list of these Medias was given in which two are researched on and comment on their min applications in direct marketing. Each media should contain its advantages and disadvantages as well as its application in direct marketing. Direct marketing can be defined as ‘†¦a promotion mechanism that allows focused messages to be received by a targeted audience. The main difference between direct marketing and other promotion is that you can closely qualify your audience to deliver a message and other promotion is that you can closely qualify your audience to deliver a message that appeal to their specific needs.’ 9th April, 2005> Direct marketing is basically selling the products directly to the consumers without having to go through any distribution channel. It is either to inform or to educate the consumers with the product that is being introduced, also to maintain the relationship with the consumers so as to obtain brand loyalty. To have a successful direct marketing, it must have the right media that gives information to the consumers about the product or service provided by the company. Among the list of media given, we have chosen television and telemarketing. The most obvious reason for choosing these Medias is because of its cost and availability. Both television and telemarketing are cheap and are easily accessible as almost everyone around the world owns at least one television set and a telephone. 2 Report Objectives The objective of carrying out this report is as follows:  · To comment on the two chosen media’s main application in direct marketing.  · To find out the advantages and disadvantages of television and telemarketing.  · To illustrate by using examples from a known campaign how the television and telemarketing might work together as part of a fully integrated marketing plan to achieve a specific marketing objectives. 3 Findings Information are founded through browsing on the internet, books and also articles to understand better about direct marketing as well as television and telemarketing. In this section of the report, there would be a discussion on what television and telemarketing is. Under each sub – section would have mention the advantages and disadvantages of both television and telemarketing. 3.1 Television Television or TV for short is one of direct marketing’s channels. It is commonly used by marketers because of its effectiveness and many advantages. Television can be defined as ‘†¦a telecommunication system for broadcasting and receiving moving pictures and sound over a

Friday, October 11, 2019

Individual Assignment and Chart Essay

Curriculum history is important to educators just as the general history of a country is important to historians and politicians. Much can be learned from the successes and the failures of the past. Traditional education in Japan follows societal norms in stressing respect for order and for group goals. The schools stress self-evaluation, hard work, and organization. Schools actively teach morals and values in order to develop individuals of character that will function in society as educated and moral. Japanese formal education in began with adherence to Buddhism and Confucianism. Later, studies in sciences were added, and Japan slowly began to adopt more western styles of education. Briefly, the schools were used as military and nationalistic training grounds during WWI and WWII (Hood, 2001). Over the last fifty years, schools in Japan have been evolving further. After WWII, a call to return to leadership and societal welfare in education was initiated. Schools were strictly centered around community goals and common curriculums. In the 1980s, unfortunately, an increase in youth violence began to worry Japanese citizens about their future. Focus turned to the morals based education of centuries before. In the late 1990s, the cold war era was over. The Ministry felt as if they could relax the six day long weeks and long days (Japan, 2006). Part of this change in philosophy could be due to changes in competition for universities. Previously, competition for admission into Japanese universities was cutthroat, but now, with a reduction in the number of children being born, schools are competing for students (Hood, 2001). In a way, this has given students more power to seek the types of education they most need. In addition, Japan is also loosening its governmental hold on curriculum and allowing from more flexibility in curriculum through site-based decision-making (Komatsu, 2002). Schools are now able to select textbooks from a group of sources. Recently, controversy has arisen as to which history textbooks to choose. In 1997, a group was formed to create and market a revision of Japanese history for incorporation into school history textbooks. This group was primarily interested in revising the presentation of Japan’s execution of militaristic procedures. Unfortunately, even with its widespread promotion efforts, the revised textbook failed to gain a foothold in Japanese schools. Only a few private schools in one small area of Tokyo was willing to give the book a chance (Masalksi, 2002). Not all things in Japan’s educational system are open to change. Before, Japanese teachers had very little autonomy in determining what they would teach even though they held positions of high respect in the community. Now, individual schools and teachers will be able to decide on curriculum issues that best meet the needs of their students. â€Å"The general principle of curriculum organisation is changing from the idea of providing a common education for all children to one of providing different education for various children† (Komatsu, 2002, p. 53). The 2002 Rainbow Plan mirrors the change in philosophy towards more democratic ideals. The government is continuing to relinquish more control to the schools’ local administrations (Japan, 2006). In the future, Japanese education will continue to follow Western trends. One such trend will be in technology and information. While Japan is a world leader in electronics technology, its individual and student use of the internet lags behind. This is primarily because 80% of the internet content is in English. As a result, Japanese students need to be learning both spoken and written English and how to use the internet at younger ages (McCarty, 2000). Clearly, Japanese education will begin to include more intensive English and computer technology classes in early education for its students. Another trend in Japanese education must certainly be increased funding for higher education. Even though the number of teenagers in Japan is lower, over 40 % of them do attend universities. However, government funding for universities is low. Dr. Akito Arima, former Minister of Education, notes that while the United States spends about one percent of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on educational funding, Japan spends less than half of one percent in the same manner. However, Japan is second only to the United States in the number of students who attend college. The funding for private universities is even lower, even though 75% of college students attend private universities. â€Å"In this respect, one should note the contradiction between the high proportion of people who move on to higher education, and the low public expenditure ratio. This demonstrates that university education in Japan is seriously under-funded† (Arima, 2002). If college education remains under-funded, many secondary students may turn away from it, thinking that it has less to offer than before. If birth rates should rise in the future, this burden will become more pronounced. Funding will definitely have to be initiated in order to keep young students setting college educations as their goal. Ironically, the US and Japan seem to be crossing each other in the middle of the curriculum spectrum. While Japan is recognizing the individuality of each student and allowing him to seek his own educational goals with flexible programs of study, the US is getting much more rigid with the enactment of NCLB and strict state testing plans and pacing guides. One might wonder if the US will notice a similar increase in youth discontent as a result.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

An Accident from My Memory Essay

The cold numb feeling was freezing every part of me as I sat quietly inside the car that was twirling in the middle of the highway. Sitting there and patiently waiting for the airbag to explode and cover me as if it was my moms arms took some fear out of me but my body still shivered as if there would be no tomorrow. Even though its been almost four years, I can still recall that day as clear as crystal, yet most of me wished it would just turn into thin air and disappear. As I sit still today, I think of what would have happened to me if I had lost a loved one in that incident. That night made me realize about two important concepts in life. First, to respect what we have and make the best of our time because we never know when life can take it all away and second, to respect nature because when nature prevails itself, it can either kill us or save us. My hands were shivering as I went to go lock my front door, as I was turning the key I felt a large breeze of air pushing me back as if god himself did not want me to leave. As I moved towards the car I felt as if something was weird, it seemed as if I had a dà ©jà   vu but I assumed that it was because of the fact that I did not eat anything the entire day. Slowly I opened the door to the car and sat in the front seat, as I sat down I heard a man on the radio saying that today would be the best day we are going to experience the entire winter, hearing that made everyone glad as we left towards Ottawa. With time we realized that the experience we were going to have is not going to be the best but the worst. As time passed we headed towards Ottawa, leaving the house behind and not knowing what to expect next. While blasting the music in the car I thought about how great this weekend would be and how much fun were going to have with the beautiful weather. At first everything seemed to be perfect as my dad was cruising along the smooth pavement at 110 km/hr but then things begun to change when the car started making a very soft yet annoying sound, hearing the sound my dad pulled over. Being on the side of the highway and staring out the window amazed me because I saw hundreds of cars going by every second. Watching the cars fly by fascinated me but at the same time they also terrorized me, while I sat still I thought about how one of the car might crash into our and destroy us all, thinking that I fell asleep. As I was sleeping I felt someone tapping my shoulder. The feeling of that tapping on the shoulder made me get up and as I looked over I saw my dad standing still saying wake up Ankit, wake up. Hearing the sound I woke up and as I looked up at the sky I saw total darkness and I noticed that I had been sleeping for three hours. As I walked towards Pizza Hut to eat I felt small water drops falling on my head and hands, at first I thought it was a small drizzle of snow that would stop in a few minutes but later I figured that the snow would get worse. As we finished eating we saw large amounts of snow falling on the road and making the roads more slippery. As I walked back to the car I looked into my moms eyes and noticed that there had been something frightening she saw, perhaps it was the large amounts of snow, I thought. Disregarding the snow we kept going and driving at high speeds towards Ottawa. At first everything seemed so beautiful because the pellets of snow slowly fell upon one another but with time they started getting bigger and bigger just like the terror in my moms eyes. Giving my mom sympathy and telling her we are going to make it to Ottawa safely helped her to calm down but there was still some terror that I could see. Talking to my mom surely made her feel better but at the same time it distracted my dad. When my dad had gotten distracted he lost his controls on the car which caused it to go out of control and twirl around in the middle of the highway. Luckily, when the car was twirling in the middle of the highway there was not a lot of traffic so the ones behind the car had stopped. However, other cars on the side of the highway kept going; as I stood in the front seat tightly gripping my belt I thought to myself that I would never see a tomorrow. As the car slid I looked at my family because they were the last people I would see before the airbag would explode and take me far away from this planet. My nerves were popping out of my skin as I held the grip tightly. Looking out the front window and watching cars drive by scared me even more because I knew if any one of those cars were to crash into ours then our chances of survival would be very low. As I sat still in the car I thought about how I  would die, would it be in the hospital or would it be a simple death. At that moment my thoughts were not very positive and all that went through my mind was one question. Would I live or die? But believing in myself I decided to face my fear and bring back my senses just like my dad. Once my dad had gotten his senses back he had shifted the car into lower gear and pressed on the break frequently which eventually made the car stop. My dads consciousness gave me a second life and made me learn some important concepts that I would have never understood if I hadnt been a part of that incident. As time passed my wounds healed but the incident left me with a scar that may never be removed. Now that I look at my car I can recall those exact moments that made me more fearless. I have now learned that people should never challenge nature because nature can easily make a dramatic change and kill us all. Biography:

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Abolition of Death Penalty

According to Republic Act No. 7659, death penalty is a penalty for crimes that are heinous for being grievous, odious and hateful offenses and which, by reason of their inherent or manifest wickedness, viciousness, atrocity and perversity are repugnant and outrageous to the common standards and norms of decency and morality in a just, civilized and ordered society. Death penalty is a cruel, futile and dangerous punishment for very serious reasons and with due judicial process. According to  Amnesty International, a worldwide movement of people working for internationally recognized human rights; death penalty is the ultimate, irreversible denial of human rights. Thus, they worked towards abolishing it in order to end the cycle of violence created by a system riddled with economic and racial bias and tainted with human error. BACKGROUND Next, I would like to present a brief background on death penalty in the Philippines. In 1987, the Philippines made history by becoming the first Asian country in modern times to abolish the death penalty for all crimes. However, six years later, in 1993, the death penalty was reintroduced in the Philippines for 46 different offences. Such of those are murder, rape, parricide, infanticide and qualified bribery, among others. Executions resumed in 1999 until year 2000 when former President Estrada announced a moratorium on executions. This has been continued by current President Arroyo, in practice, throughout her presidency. Now, under her rule, the death penalty is again abolished . STANCE I am in favor of abolishing the death penalty law in the Philippines. Allow me to present my arguments. First, it violates the right to live. Second, it is a very cruel practice. Third, it is anti-poor. Last, death penalty defeats its purpose. ARGUMENTS First, the imposition of death penalty violates a persons right to live. Article III Section 1 of the 1987 Constitution, otherwise known as  the Bill of Rights, states that No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property†¦ By imposing death penalty, the right of a criminal to live is being violated. Furthermore, it is a known fact that majority of Filipinos are Catholics. As said, we have one of the worlds largest Christian populations. According to  the Ten Commandments  of the Church, thou shall not kill. Therefore, nobody is given the right to commit the lives of others. Whether that person is a criminal or not, nobody has the right to play God and take the life that He has given. Filipinos should respect and value the sanctity of human life and uphold the virtue and religious doctrines that are expected of us as a dominant Christian nation. Second, it is a very cruel, inhuman and irreversible practice. It is very cruel and in human because persons are killed. This alone is proof. Once a person is killed, the act cannot be reversed. Third, death penalty is anti-poor. In a country like the Philippines with a very slow, sometimes inefficient, unfair and unjust judicial system, death penalty is simply not viable. Majority of the 1200 people on the death row are poor. Maybe, for some, being there is what they deserve. But for many, it is poverty that brought them there. Not everyone in that row should die. Many are simply there because they ran against some filthy rich and powerful person or they could not afford to get a good lawyer to defend them. A study showed that death penalty is anti-poor as the underprivileged who cannot afford the services of competent counsels are oftentimes the ones convicted of death penalty. Studies have shown that the death penalty is disproportionately imposed on the poorest, least educated and most vulnerable members of society. It takes the lives of offenders who might otherwise have been rehabilitated. Lastly, death penalty does not live up to its purpose. It is not able to serve its purpose which is to prevent crimes and to preserve peace and order. According to the President, in a letter she sent to Senate President Franklin M. Drilon, the imposition of death penalty was shown to have not served its principal purpose of effectively deterring the commission of heinous crimes. Clearly, even with death penalty imposed, the Philippines still continued to project high and rising crime rates in the country. If death penalty is effective, there should have been less crimes but it is quite the contrary. Also, there are no concrete evidence like studies or tests that could prove that the imposition of death penalty really prevents crime thus maintaining peace and order in the country. SUMMARY To cap off this essay, death penalty is the punishment served to those who have committed crimes that are heinous for being grievous, odious and hateful offenses and which, by reason of their inherent or manifest wickedness, viciousness, atrocity and perversity are repugnant and outrageous to the common standards and norms of decency and morality in a just, civilized and ordered society. I am in favor of the abolition of death penalty because first, its imposition violates the right to live. Second, it is a very cruel, inhuman and irreversible act. Third, death penalty is anti-poor. Lastly, death penalty does not serve its purpose of preventing crimes and preserving peace and order. I wish to end this speech by saying that I commend the Congress for passing a legislation calling for the abolitio n of death penalty. As CBCP puts it, this step has finally led the country to move from justice that kills to justice that heals. But the new Vice President of the Philippines Jejomar Binay thinks it so as he utter his desire to bring back death penalty in the Philippine in his outburst emotional response when he attended the wake of the brutally murdered son of attorney Oliver Lozano at media interview. â€Å"Dapat ibalik na ang death penalty†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( â€Å"It is high time to bring back death penalty†) —-Jejomar Binay Death Penalty has been in the Philippines since the Marcos administration but was only removed at the time of former Philippine president Corazon Aquino and was revived during between the administration of former Philippine presidents Fidel V. Ramos and Joseph Ejercito Estrada and was removed again at the time of the recent former Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo because of the mistake and failure of the execution of the First ever Filipino to receive death penalty by lethal injection –Leo Echagaray for the crime of rape which was found eventually that he is not guilty or was innocent of the crime he was accused of and the true rapist is at large and unknown. What a big slap on the Philippines justice system, thus it was removed. It was the roar and pro-death penalty campaigns in the media which influenced unlearned people that Leo Echagaray succumb into untimely death before he was proven innocent; so sad that people at that time were driven by brainless wrath to revenge for the rape victim. But now Vice president Binay, is wishing to bring it back? ; To repeat this â€Å"sad scenario† just to tell to the world that â€Å"we do justice†, WHAT JUSTICE Does he think well when he utters a wish for its revival or is he just emotional overwhelmed at the wake of the brutally murdered son of attorney Oliver Lozano? There are many bad consequences to the justice system of the Philippines when Death penalty will be rekindled its frightening presence in the Philippines. More injustices will be engendered in the end by mistakenly sentencing to death innocent poor Filipinos and foreigners once they could not proven themselves innocent at the allowed period of presenting evidences and proofs that one is not guilty of the crime being accused of and by the influence of ignorant brainless and heartless wrathful masses. Moreover, if one is financially poor and destitute how can one find a trustworthy attorney that cannot be bought by money, to depend one’s innocence? Truly more innocent lives will be shredded unjustly by this satanic capital punishment. Furthermore, we already know that the financially rich and wealthy prosecuted and accused ones could pervert justice and could buy money-face attorneys, lawyers and judges. Therefore, is this â€Å"death penalty† will stop heinous crimes or will just added more unjust crimes perpetrated by its revival and presence, wherein â€Å"death penalty† is also a heinous crime concealed by the law of legality of the state or country. For death penalty is an act of torturing a person until it dies, which has no difference with the sadistic and psychotic behavior of seemingly soulless criminals who torture first their victims before they eventually kill their victims. Bestial act (death penalty) against bestial act (heinous crimes) will not solve or eliminate crimes within the country or state. Fear is not the answer and will not uproot the main cause of crimes. it just controls but never solves; it just control the symptoms but never cures and heals. JC tortured and received Death Penalty A more humanitarian solution is the key to solve bestial problems like crimes; for every effect (activities) there is a cause (reason for the activity). The cause should be addressed to solve the problem and not controlling the effects without removing the cause; For the effects will not end if the cause is not removed. Remember Filipinos, your National Hero, Dr. Jose Rizal was a victim of Death penalty or capital punishment which is Firing squad during the Spanish occupation but he is innocent. Remember also Filipinos, your beloved colonial religious deity Jesus Christ was also a victim of Death penalty or capital punishment which is crucifixion but Jesus Christ is innocent.